Stage Production

This course introduces the theatrical model of theodrama–based on the biblical- theological foundation, with implications for practical life, ministry, and mission–in the context of an actual stage production and performance by ACTS University students. Since 2014, Professor Daniel J. Kim has produced, choreographed, and directed a series of multi-arts (music, dance, mime, theatre, design, media) stage productions as a way of demonstrating “theology on stage.” ACTS University was invited to perform a 30-minute theodrama at the 4th Lausanne Congress (attended by some 5,000 international leaders) to be held at Incheon Songdo Convensia in September 2024. Through this course, the students are invited to participate in the entire process of planning, rehearsal, and performance of a special theodrama choreographed and produced for this historic Lausanne Congress.


  • The student will understand the biblical-theological foundations for creative arts/expressions.
  • The student will understand the theory and principles behind the theatrical paradigm of theodrama.
  • The student will explore the diverse realms of performing arts (music, dance, mime, theatrics, stagecraft, media art).
  • The student will learn the basic principles of imagination, activation, improvisation, and simulation via movement training.
  • The student will learn the importance of human body and physical movement in the context of life, ministry, and mission.
  • The student will make a contribution in a particular area of interest, whether performance, administration, stagecraft/design, or technical support.
  • The student will earn teamwork and community life dynamic in the process of planning, rehearsal, and performance on stage.
  • The student will participate in the theodrama production (planning, choreography, training, performance) for Lausanne Congress (2024).

이 과정은 ACTS(아신대학교) 학생들의 성경적-신학적 기초에 기초하여 실제적 삶, 사역 및 선교에 영향을 미치는 떼오드라마의 연극적 모델을 소개합니다. 김다니엘 교수는 2014 년부터 “무대 위의 신학”을 표현하는 방식으로 일련의 종합예술(음악, 무용, 마임, 연극, 디자인, 미디어) 무대 프러덕션들을 제작, 안무, 그리고 연출해 왔습니다. 아신대학교는 2024 년 9 월 인천 송도 컨벤시아에서 개최되는 제 4 차 국제로잔대회(약 5,000 명의 국제 지도자 참석)에서 30 분간의 떼오드라마를 공연하도록 초청받았습니다. 이 과정을 통해 학생들은 역사적인 로잔 대회를 위해 안무되고 제작되는 특별한 떼오드라마의 기획, 리허설, 공연의 전체 과정에 참여하도록 초대됩니다.

강의 목표

  • The student will understand the biblical-theological foundations for creative arts/expressions.
  • The student will understand the theory and principles behind the theatrical paradigm of theodrama.
  • The student will explore the diverse realms of performing arts (music, dance, mime, theatrics, stagecraft, media art).
  • The student will learn the basic principles of imagination, activation, improvisation, and simulation via movement training.
  • The student will learn the importance of human body and physical movement in the context of life, ministry, and mission.
  • The student will make a contribution in a particular area of interest, whether performance, administration, stagecraft/design, or technical support.
  • The student will earn teamwork and community life dynamic in the process of planning, rehearsal, and performance on stage.
  • The student will participate in the theodrama production (planning, choreography, training, performance) for Lausanne Congress (2024).

Teaching at ACTS

Teaching at ACTS

Teaching at TTGU

Stage Production Class
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