Theodrama Training

This course introduces the theatrical model of theodrama–based on the biblical- theological foundation, with implications for practical life, ministry, and mission–in the context of an actual stage production and performance by ACTS University students. Since 2014, Professor Daniel J. Kim has produced, choreographed, and directed a series of multi-arts (music, dance, mime, theatre, design, media) stage productions as a way of demonstrating “theology on stage.” ACTS University was invited to perform a 30-minute theodrama at the 4th Lausanne Congress (attended by some 5,000 international leaders) to be held at Incheon Songdo Convensia in September 2024. Through this course, the students are invited to participate in the entire process of planning, rehearsal, and performance of a special theodrama choreographed and produced for this historic Lausanne Congress


  • The student will understand the idea and concept of the performing arts genre known as “theodrama.”
  • The student will learn about the various art realms (music, dance, mime, theatrics, design, media) related to theodrama.
  • The student will learn about the importance of human body and physical movement in the context of life, ministry, and mission.
  • The student will learn about the art and science of bodily movement, especially related to physical theater, mime, and dance.
  • The student will learn the basic principles of imagination, activation, improvisation, and simulation through various movement training.
  • The student will learn the importance of devotional spirituality, community life, and team dynamics through corporate movement exercises.
  • The student, through various movement trainings in this course, will prepare for the theodrama performance at Lausanne Congress (2024).

이 과정은 다가오는 국제 로잔 대회에서 아신대학교 공연을 준비하기 위한 2파트 구성된 훈련의 시작 단계입니다. 특히 신체 운동 분야의 학생 훈련에 초점을 맞춘 이 과정은 강의와 실습의 두 가지 방식으로 진행됩니다. 강의에서는 떼오드라마 패러다임, 예술적/미학적 방식, 공연 이론, 상상력, 즉흥 연주, 시뮬레이션 등 몸-움직임과 관련된 기본 주제를 다룰 것입니다. 실습 세션에서는 캘리스데닉스(맨몸운동), 스트레칭, 풋워크, 자세(댄스), 몸짓(마임), 동작, 즉흥 기술, 안무 기술, 공동 댄스/동작 등 다양한 훈련 방식을 다룹니다.

강의 목표

  • The student will understand the idea and concept of the performing arts genre known as “theodrama.”
  • The student will learn about the various art realms (music, dance, mime, theatrics, design, media) related to theodrama.
  • The student will learn about the importance of human body and physical movement in the context of life, ministry, and mission.
  • The student will learn about the art and science of bodily movement, especially related to physical theater, mime, and dance.
  • The student will learn the basic principles of imagination, activation, improvisation, and simulation through various movement training.
  • The student will learn the importance of devotional spirituality, community life, and team dynamics through corporate movement exercises.
  • The student, through various movement trainings in this course, will prepare for the theodrama performance at Lausanne Congress (2024).


Movement Practicum

Movement Related Videos

  • Movement
  • Dance World
  • Ballet Basics
  • Mime Techniques
  • Martial Arts
  • Physical Theatre
  • Improvisation
  • Freestyle Dance
  • Contemporary Dance
  • Communal Dance
  • Religious Dance & Drama


Dance World

Ballet Basics

Mime Techniques

Martial Arts

Physical Theatre


Freestyle Dance

Contemporary Dance

Communal Dance

Religious Dance & Drama

Movement Training Class
(Director’s Viewing Only)

Private Contents for Professor
*This content is protected

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